[Buildbot-devel] sendchange

Jean-Michel Beuken jean-michel.beuken at uclouvain.be
Thu Jul 9 16:51:23 UTC 2009

>> Is it possible to catch in a ShellCommand,  the value of a other
>> optional arguments like "--comments"   ?
> The problem with the idea is that sendchange sends a *change* object,
> which doesn't have properties, rather than forcing a build directly.
> Furthermore, when a change turns into a build, it goes through a whole
> sequence of intermediaries, where it can potentially be merged with
> other changes, etc.
> If what you're looking for is the commit comment, though, then things
> might not be so bad, and in fact a patch to add the accumulated
> comments from changes as a build property would be useful to have in
> buildbot.
thank you very for your answer and the precison concerning the sendchange

as a rule of thumb, which "dynamic" variables, set when a build start,  
are usable and useful  with WithProperties() in ShellCommand Step ?


thank you


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