[Buildbot-devel] BzrPoller leaves zombies

Kristian Nielsen knielsen at knielsen-hq.org
Tue Jul 7 21:08:20 UTC 2009

Aleksandr Kuzminsky <aleksandr.kuzminsky at percona.com> writes:

> I'm using BzrPoller to poll revisions from LaunchPAD.
> BzrPoller(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~percona-dev/percona-xtrabackup/trunk)
> After a poll (not every though) buildbot leaves a zombie process, e.g.

One alternative, which may or may not work for you, is to use email
notifications from Launchpad instead of polling, using class

BzrLaunchpadEmailMaildirSource is in trunk, and should be in the upcoming .11

 - Kristian.

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