[Buildbot-devel] trial buildbot.test failures on NetBSD

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Mon Jul 6 14:40:05 UTC 2009

On Sun, 5 Jul 2009, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> Can you try running just one of the failing tests, and send me the
> resulting trial.log?

I can try. Can you provide instructions or point me to docs on running 
an individual test?

> Dustin Sallings has donated a FreeBSD 7 buildbot to the
> new-and-improved metabuildbot.  Do you have a NetBSD system we could
> use?

Do you need to login? Or just have me setup a "slave"?

> Here are the errors from that system:
>   http://buildbot.net/metabuildbot/builders/os-freebsd/builds/0/steps/trial/logs/problems

Fewer problems than mine. Maybe I am missing some dependencies.

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