[Buildbot-devel] OT [Re: Dynamic list of logfiles]

Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner smilner at redhat.com
Mon Feb 16 20:35:43 UTC 2009

On 16/02/09 14:35 -0500, Greg Ward wrote:
>Hi all --
>I have a ShellCommand that creates log files based on what it finds in
>its build tree.  Specifically, it's a wrapper around "rpmbuild" that
>processes <dir>/*.spec, creating one log for each .spec file
>Currently, I have cobbled something together where I use a SetProperty
>step to look for the same list of *.spec files and derive the log
>filenames from that.  That's a bit gross because I'm repeating two
>bits of logic (find *.spec and transmute foo.spec to foo.log) in two
>places (the script being run and master.cfg).
>It has occurred to me that a ShellCommand that dynamically discovers
>log files would be really cool.  I think I want something like this:
>  ShellCommand(name="build-rpms",
>               command=["./buildrpms", 
>                        "--spec-dir", "spec", 
>                        "--log-dir", "log"],
>               logfilepattern="log/buildrpms.*.log")
>Then, as my buildrpms script is running, SlaveShellCommand (I think)
>would periodically look for files matching my logfilepattern and
>update the step's log files accordingly.
>Does this sound crazy?  Has anyone attempted this?  Is it possible
>to do entirely within master.cfg, or would I need to patch slave-side
>Thanks --
>       Greg
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On a side note, check out the rpm code comming down in a future

Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner
Agent of Infosec
IRC: ashcrow

"In the heat of conversation I may have said certain things I believe 
to be untrue. The alleged lie that you might have heard me saying 
allegedly moments ago ... thats a parasite that lives in my neck." 
     -- Tad Ghostal
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