[Buildbot-devel] Is it possible to deploy buildbot to google app engine

Dustin Sallings dustin at spy.net
Wed Dec 30 10:27:13 UTC 2009

On Dec 30, 2009, at 2:17, Marcus Lindblom wrote:

> I think it'd be awesomely cool to run buildbot instances on GAE, but that would, as I said, require ripping out quite a bit of the entrails and re-jigger them into something new, that doesn't store any state in memory for more than the lifetime of the request.
> The current pickle-system might work on GAE, but we need to pickle/unpickle a lot (probably too much) on each request. Brian's DB work would not be applicable, unless it also abstracts the backend store so much that a non-RDB store is feasible.

	There's pretty much no part of GAE that could do proper scheduling of builders.  The slaves would all have to be polling it or something -- or every slave would have to be internet addressable.  That would be an unfortunate loss of functionality either way.

	XMPP might be a middle man, but XMPP as available to GAE is excessively limited.

>> I made a webhook status notifier and made an excessively simple, but event-driven UI here:
>> http://bbstatus.appspot.com/
>> source code is here:
>> http://github.com/dustin/bbstatus
>> I'd love to see that be touched by someone who knows how to make UIs that make sense.  :)
> Interesting work. Does it poll the build-masters regularly to update the info?

	I despise polling.  :)

	It updates as build builders arrive, and as builds and steps start and finish.  The only polling that exists at all is people with web browsers hitting it.

> Building a web-only-interface for buildbot on GAE should be easy (if/when we have a HTTP-interface to the DB) and would off-load some work from the master, so that it could focus on controlling the slaves and storing results. But, running the entire buildmaster on GAE would be even cooler. The way GAE scales would make it attractive to run really large build masters on, handling 100s or thousands of builds/slaves.

	GAE scales in a way that is in conflict with things that aren't web services for the most part.

Dustin Sallings

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