[Buildbot-devel] State of Mercurial support

Sebastien Douche sdouche at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 14:47:17 UTC 2008

Hi there :),
We migrate here from Subversion to Mercurial (really nice). Apparently
the last version Buildbot (0.7.8) did not follow the last evolutions
of Mercurial :(.
Some problems with hgbuildbot.py:

- Extract method doesn't exist anymore

- I have trouble with branch = dirname
I have always the root Hg directory and not the common package
directory. Original code use os.path method, I prefer the most robust
Mercurial repo.root(), like:
>>>root_path = repo.root.split('/')[-2:]
>>>branch=os.path.join(root_path[0], root_path[1])

More generally, Mercurial's API is rather complete, it's a good way to
exploit it.

I will make more tests (commissioning this week, start up next monday)

PS: if we migrate, no soucy to be a maintener (i.e. Mercurial scripts
and Trac tickets).


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