[Buildbot-devel] Viewing old Buildbot log files without the original build master

Ellis Breen spacestation9 at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 18 11:05:28 UTC 2008


We are currently archiving Buildbot log files from important builds to
another machine, which we can optionally restore should we wish to view them
again. However, we would prefer to keep the main Buildbot machine clean, and
to be able to view from logs without doing this. To this end, I experimented
with setting up a 'dummy' build master, with the relevant log directories
holding the archived build logs. This appeared to work for a couple of
builds, but not others. The one it did work for also showed up in the
waterfall display.

Is there a more standard way of viewing old build logs without them being on
the original build master? I've had a look at the 'status' modules
(particularly the Waterfall classes) and can see that log paths are being
passed around using various forms of inheritance etc, but I'm not totally
clear on how I can get them to do what I want yet...

Any hints or tips? I'll continue to peruse the code and up-to-date API


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