[Buildbot-devel] Dependent scheduler not firing

Axel Hecht l10n.moz at googlemail.com
Fri May 23 23:14:48 UTC 2008

I'd suggest to put some logging code into
buildbot.scheduler.BaseUpstreamScheduler.buildSetFinished to check
what bss.getResults() actually returns.


2008/5/24 Matisse Enzer <menzer at apple.com>:
> On May 23, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Axel Hecht wrote:
>> I don't see scheduler_myproject_plus_shared_code in the list of
>> schedulers in the first place. Is that some mishap introduced in the
>> obfuscation step?
> Yes damn it. My apologies. The obfuscation stuff is so stoopid.
>> It's probably hard to find typo-like errors after obfuscation, though
>> they might very well be the culprit.
> I get no errors in the real thing when running, the downstream scheduler
> simply does not fire.
>> 2008/5/23 Matisse Enzer <menzer at apple.com>:
>>> I have in master.cfg:
>>> scheduler_myproject_plus_shared_code = Scheduler(name="myproject-plus-
>>> shared-code",
>>>             branch=None,
>>>             treeStableTimer=two_minutes,
>>>             builderNames=["MyProject-Plus-Shared-Code"])
>>> scheduler_complete_build = scheduler.Dependent("complete-build",
>>>                       scheduler_myproject_plus_shared_code, #
>>> upstream scheduler
>>>                       ["Complete-Build-Of-Application"])
>>> c['schedulers'] = [scheduler_myteam_myproject,
>>>                 scheduler_complete_build]
>>> when the scheduler_myproject_plus_shared_code runs a build that
>>> succeeds, using the builder "MyProject-Plus-Shared-Code" I expect that
>>> scheduler_complete_build will run a build using the builder "Complete-
>>> Build-Of-Application"
>>> But this doesn't seem to be happening. No errors, just no build.
>>> Any ideas what's happening?
>>> I saw a mention of this in the list archives, at:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/3gsbak
>>> but that problem seemed to be caused by the upstream builder having
>>> been forced, which is not the case for me.
>>> -Matisse
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