[Buildbot-devel] nightly build only if source changes

Gaige, Yves yves.gaige at hp.com
Tue May 20 12:56:40 UTC 2008


Here is below a Scheduler I wrote for our own usage and that achieve the request
(I think).

For the moment it is a modified version of the Nightly scheduler where I have
added methods addChange, addImportantChange and addUnimportantChange, and made
some modifications in the __init__, doPeriodicBuild methods.

Basically it is a merge between Scheduler and Nightly, but for the moment it is
not compatible with existing Nightly. I have no time now to build a patch of
Nightly,  but the remaining stuff to make it a real patch of existing is quite
  - modify init to add 1 param: this param would control the behaviour; either
    only time driven --default to be compatible with existing implementation;
    or time + change (new behaviour)
  - modify doPeriodicBuild: check this param 1st to choose the old or new behaviour.

Yves Gaigé | OpenCall Software | yves.gaige at hp.com | +33 476 14 6330

class NewNightly(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
    """Imitate 'cron' scheduling. This can be used to schedule a nightly
    build, or one which runs are certain times of the day, week, or month.

    Pass some subset of minute, hour, dayOfMonth, month, and dayOfWeek; each
    may be a single number or a list of valid values. The builds will be
    triggered whenever the current time matches these values. Wildcards are
    represented by a '*' string. All fields default to a wildcard except
    'minute', so with no fields this defaults to a build every hour, on the

    For example, the following master.cfg clause will cause a build to be
    started every night at 3:00am::

     s = NewNightly('nightly', ['builder1', 'builder2'], hour=3, minute=0)

    This scheduler will perform a build each monday morning at 6:23am and
    again at 8:23am::

     s = NewNightly('BeforeWork', ['builder1'],
                 dayOfWeek=0, hour=[6,8], minute=23)

    The following runs a build every two hours::

     s = NewNightly('every2hours', ['builder1'], hour=range(0, 24, 2))

    And this one will run only on December 24th::

     s = NewNightly('SleighPreflightCheck', ['flying_circuits', 'radar'],
                 month=12, dayOfMonth=24, hour=12, minute=0)

    For dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth, builds are triggered if the date matches
    either of them. All time values are compared against the tuple returned
    by time.localtime(), so month and dayOfMonth numbers start at 1, not
    zero. dayOfWeek=0 is Monday, dayOfWeek=6 is Sunday.

    compare_attrs = ('name', 'builderNames',
                     'minute', 'hour', 'dayOfMonth', 'month', 'dayOfWeek',
                     'branch', 'fileIsImportant')

    def __init__(self, name, builderNames, minute=0, hour='*',
                 dayOfMonth='*', month='*', dayOfWeek='*',
                 branch=None, fileIsImportant=None):
        # Setting minute=0 really makes this an 'Hourly' scheduler.
        # This seemed like a better default than minute='*',
        # which would result in a build every 60 seconds.
        BaseUpstreamScheduler.__init__(self, name)

        # Check the list of Builders
        errmsg = ("The builderNames= argument to Scheduler must be a list "
                  "of Builder description names (i.e. the 'name' key of the "
                  "Builder specification dictionary)")
        assert isinstance(builderNames, (list, tuple)), errmsg
        for b in builderNames:
            assert isinstance(b, str), errmsg
        self.builderNames = builderNames

        # The time management
        self.minute       = int(minute)
        self.hour         = int(hour)
        self.dayOfMonth   = dayOfMonth
        self.month        = month
        self.dayOfWeek    = dayOfWeek

        # Build management
        self.delayedRun   = None
        self.nextRunTime  = None
        self.reason = ("The NewNightly scheduler named '%s' triggered this build" % name)

        # Branch / Change management
        self.branch       = branch
        self.importantChanges   = []
        self.unimportantChanges = []
        self.fileIsImportant    = None
        if fileIsImportant:
            assert callable(fileIsImportant)
            self.fileIsImportant = fileIsImportant

    def addTime(self, timetuple, secs):
        return time.localtime(time.mktime(timetuple)+secs)
    def findFirstValueAtLeast(self, values, value, default=None):
        for v in values:
            if v >= value: return v
        return default

    def setTimer(self):
        self.nextRunTime = self.calculateNextRunTime()
        self.delayedRun = reactor.callLater(self.nextRunTime - time.time(),

    def startService(self):
        log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: Starting" % self.name)

    def stopService(self):
        log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: Stopping" % self.name)

    def isRunTime(self, timetuple):
        def check(ourvalue, value):
            if ourvalue == '*': return True
            if isinstance(ourvalue, int): return value == ourvalue
            return (value in ourvalue)

        if not check(self.minute, timetuple[4]):
            #print 'bad minute', timetuple[4], self.minute
            return False

        if not check(self.hour, timetuple[3]):
            #print 'bad hour', timetuple[3], self.hour
            return False

        if not check(self.month, timetuple[1]):
            #print 'bad month', timetuple[1], self.month
            return False

        if self.dayOfMonth != '*' and self.dayOfWeek != '*':
            # They specified both day(s) of month AND day(s) of week.
            # This means that we only have to match one of the two. If
            # neither one matches, this time is not the right time.
            if not (check(self.dayOfMonth, timetuple[2]) or
                    check(self.dayOfWeek, timetuple[6])):
                #print 'bad day'
                return False
            if not check(self.dayOfMonth, timetuple[2]):
                #print 'bad day of month'
                return False

            if not check(self.dayOfWeek, timetuple[6]):
                #print 'bad day of week'
                return False

        return True

    def calculateNextRunTime(self):
        return self.calculateNextRunTimeFrom(time.time())

    def calculateNextRunTimeFrom(self, now):
        dateTime = time.localtime(now)

        # Remove seconds by advancing to at least the next minute
        dateTime = self.addTime(dateTime, 60-dateTime[5])

        # Now we just keep adding minutes until we find something that matches

        # It not an efficient algorithm, but it'll *work* for now
        yearLimit = dateTime[0]+2
        while not self.isRunTime(dateTime):
            dateTime = self.addTime(dateTime, 60)
            #print 'Trying', time.asctime(dateTime)
            assert dateTime[0] < yearLimit, 'Something is wrong with this code'
        return time.mktime(dateTime)

    def listBuilderNames(self):
        return self.builderNames

    def getPendingBuildTimes(self):
        # TODO: figure out when self.timer is going to fire next and report
        # that
        if self.nextRunTime is None: return []
        return [self.nextRunTime]

    def doPeriodicBuild(self):
        # Schedule the next run

        if len(self.importantChanges) > 0:
            changes = self.importantChanges + self.unimportantChanges

            # And trigger a build
            log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: triggering build" % self.name)
            bs = buildset.BuildSet(self.builderNames,
            log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: skipping build - No important change" % self.name)

        # Reset the change lists
        self.importantChanges = []
        self.unimportantChanges = []

    def addChange(self, change):
        if change.branch != self.branch:
            log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: ignoring change %d on off-branch %s" % (self.name, change.revision, change.branch))
        if not self.fileIsImportant:
        elif self.fileIsImportant(change):

    def addImportantChange(self, change):
        log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: change %d from %s is important, adding it" % (self.name, change.revision, change.who))

    def addUnimportantChange(self, change):
        log.msg("NewNightly Scheduler <%s>: change %d from %s is not important, adding it" % (self.name, change.revision, change.who))


-----Original Message-----
From: Eveque, Philippe
Sent: mardi 20 mai 2008 14:41
To: Gaige, Yves
Subject: FW: [Buildbot-devel] nightly build only if source changes


as discussed because you already have an implementation of this


-----Original Message-----
From: buildbot-devel-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:buildbot-devel-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Bailey, Darragh
Sent: mardi 20 mai 2008 13:23
To: Dustin J. Mitchell
Cc: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] nightly build only if source changes

I'll give it a shot.

My initial thoughts are that it should be based on the scheduler class with the addition that it should include the parameter NotBefore, which specifies a time that the build should not start before. After that time it should be started in accordance of treeStableTimer.

>From what I can tell, this should mean that the only function to be overridden is addImportantChange.

Darragh Bailey

Systems Software Engineer
Hewlett Packard Galway Ltd.
+353 91 75-4674

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: djmitche at gmail.com [mailto:djmitche at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Dustin
> J. Mitchell
> Sent: 19 May 2008 20:12
> To: Bailey, Darragh
> Cc: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] nightly build only if source changes
> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Bailey, Darragh <dbailey at hp.com> wrote:
> > The question about creating a scheduler that runs nightly only if source
> changes have been made since the last build has arisen before and its
> something that I need to add to the buildbot currently used by my team.
> >
> > Has anyone already created such a class?
> If not, are you interested in writing one and contributing it?
> Dustin
> --
> Storage Software Engineer
> http://www.zmanda.com

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