[Buildbot-devel] sendchange not triggering builds

Don Fike fike at cs.utk.edu
Mon May 19 21:56:13 UTC 2008

I don't seem to be able to trigger the build process using sendchange.
I'm using 0.7.7 master with 0.7.5 slaves with CVS on Linux, master.cfg 

c['change_source'] = PBChangeSource()
c['schedulers'] = []
c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="checkin", branch=None, 
treeStableTimer=1*60, builderNames=["b1","b14"]))

I run this from the same machine as the master, same port to.

buildbot sendchange --master=localhost:9001 --username=username

The command returns;

change sent successfully

and the master twistd.log shows;

perspective_addChange called

Nothing in the slave log.
Buildbot doen't run the build process, it does record a changes message 
if I include one.  This process does work when forcing a build thru the status

Any suggestions?


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