[Buildbot-devel] Exec debuild shell command only if debian/changelog was commited at subversion

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Wed Mar 12 07:37:31 UTC 2008

J. Félix Ontañón wrote:
> I've a lot of source-packages in a subversion, and i want my
> buildslave to, after any commit, do svn-export and make debuild only of
> the packages that has been commited their debian/changelog file.

In general, it is considered better not to have special build magic in 
buildbot. Instead consider such scripts as part of your source code, so you 
can maintain (and use it!) away from buildbot too.

In your case, you may want to first start writing one or more scripts that 
does what you want from the command line in a working copy.

Once you have that, you can move it to buildbot.

 > It's there any helping documentation?, any ideas?

Maybe compare the MD5 hash of the changelog with the MD5 hashes of the already 
built packages?


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