[Buildbot-devel] buildbot fails after working for a while

Roch Gadsdon rochg at bakbone.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 14:50:29 UTC 2008

OK thanks, that all makes sense. Sounds like a consistent picture, and  
I'd agree it was probably the reboot that fixed things.

Basic conclusion is you shouldn't start BuildBot by hand from a login  
session that you'll close. So, the options are:

- launchd & launchctrl
- cron
- /usr/libexec/StartupItemContext
- Start BB from a login session that won't get closed

-- Roch

On 24 Jun 2008, at 15:41, Daniel wrote:

> Roch,
> We did 2 things:
> - reconfigured CVSROOT to use the FQDN instead of simply the hostname
> - rebooted the OS X box, which then started buildbot from cron (with  
> "@reboot")
> My specific cron entry is:
> 	@reboot sleep 90 && tcsh /usr/local/bin/buildbot.leroy
> buildbot.leroy is a one-liner that contains:
> 	/home/dev/arch/apple_10.5/python242/bin/buildbot start /usr/tmp/ 
> buildbot
> My guess is that what really fixed it was the reboot: I seem to  
> recall that, in Leopard, cron now runs via launchd.
> Previously we had been restarting buildbot from an SSH session.   
> Next time it dies I think I might go to the console and try  
> launching from there, or try launchd explicitly.
> Daniel
> On Jun 24, 2008, at 10:36, Roch Gadsdon wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Thanks for following up. Glad your system's working at the moment.  
>> Just for general interest...
>> I'm not sure 100% clear on which setup worked. Did the FQDN fix  
>> things with you still:
>> - manually logging in to the buildslave
>> - starting buildbot with something like "buildbot start /usr/tmp/ 
>> buildbot"
>> - closing your login session
>> - then all was good for 48 hours
>> Or was there another environment change to start using cron for  
>> something new?
>> Sorry if I'm missing the obvious...
>> -- Roch
>> On 24 Jun 2008, at 14:31, Daniel wrote:
>>> Roch,
>>> Interestingly, we discovered that if we simply changed the CVSROOT  
>>> to be the FQDN instead of just "cvs" (the hostname), that it  
>>> actually works.  Hasn't failed in over 48 hours.  If it fails,  
>>> I'll switch to launchd.
>>> Actually, since it was launched from cron, I guess it is basically  
>>> launched via launchd.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Daniel
>>> On Jun 21, 2008, at 4:21, Rochester Gadsdon wrote:

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