[Buildbot-devel] AttributeError exception: Normal?, was Re: Some questions

Dennis Schridde devurandom at gmx.net
Fri Jun 20 16:57:41 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, 20. Juni 2008 11:58:32 schrieb Dennis Schridde:
> I get a weird backtrace in twistd.log, but dont know what creates it and
> whether it should be there. (attached)
Solved. Issue was a wrong isFileImportant function.

I used:
def importantQuickFiles(filename):
    return (filename.endswith(".c") or filename.endswith(".h") or
        filename.endswith(".cpp") or filename.endswith(".hpp") or
        filename.endswith(".am") or filename.endswith(".ac"))

instead of:
def importantQuickFiles(change):
    for filename in change.files:
        if (filename.endswith(".c") or filename.endswith(".h") or
            filename.endswith(".cpp") or filename.endswith(".hpp") or
            filename.endswith(".am") or filename.endswith(".ac")):
            return True
    return False

(Means: I assumed to parameter to isFileImportant to be a string, and not a 
buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance.)

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