[Buildbot-devel] How does isFileImportant work?, was Re: Some Questions

Dennis Schridde devurandom at gmx.net
Fri Jun 20 17:05:00 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, 20. Juni 2008 18:58:03 schrieb Axel Hecht:
> You could try this
> from twisted.python import log
> def importQuickFiles(*args):
>   log.msg(', '.join(map(lambda a: str(a), args)))
> That should catch 'em all, I guess.
Thanks. :)

> > Is there a way to introspect whatever arguments I get? Or some way to
> > output debug info to twistd.log? It seems my "print type(change)" does
> > not end up there.
It would have ended there, if there would not have been an exception before, 
rejecting my function, because it did ask for (sched, change) and not 

Thanks for all your help!

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