[Buildbot-devel] Unit tests failing (Mandriva Linux 2008)

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Mon Jun 16 13:21:41 UTC 2008

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:27:12 -0300, Ian Britten <britten at caris.com> wrote:
>Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> [snip]
>I've been installing stuff left-and-right, trying anything that
>looks like it might be related  (This is in addition to the minimal
>dependencies that the install dictated).
>Currently, I've have (Amongst a lot of stuff I've tried):
>- buildbot-0.7.6-1mdv2008.1
>- python-2.5.2-2.1mdv2008.1
>- python-zope-interface-3.3.0-3mdv2008.0
>- python-twisted-2.5.0-1mdv2008.0
>- python-twisted-mail-0.3.0-2mdv2008.1
>- A bunch of other python-twisted-stuff (conch, core, lore, etc)
>- A bunch of other python stuff (base, cairo, dbus, etc)

I don't know Mandriva's packaging, but I'm guessing python-twisted-2.5.0
is actually just Twisted Core 2.5.0 (otherwise there'd be no point to
installing python-twisted-mail-0.3.0 as well).  However, Twisted Core 2.5.0
and Twisted Mail 0.3.0 are not compatible.  You either need Twisted Mail
0.4.0 or Twisted Core 2.4.0.  It seems like a bug (which could only have
gotten by with zero testing, but that seems to be the standard for distro
packages :/) in the Mandriva packaging that this combination is even allowed.


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