[Buildbot-devel] shell command failing

Axel Hecht l10n.moz at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 24 16:51:06 UTC 2008

Ugh, ls pretty printing.

Anyway, I suspect a common string vs array command thingie.

argv: ['grep', "'ok, 0 failed,'", './smoke.html']


argv: ['grep', "ok, 0 failed,", './smoke.html']

When you specify the array, the command arguments actually go one by
one, so you don't have to quote the grep args. Or rather, it grep'ed
'ok, 0 failed'
instead of
ok, 0 failed

and I bet your output is unquoted.


2008/1/24, Matisse Enzer <matisse at matisse.net>:
> ANy ideas why this shell command would be consistently failing when
> run by the slave, but works fine when run manually by the same user
> the slaves runs as?
> grep 'ok, 0 failed,' ./smoke.html
> in dir /home/buildslave/projects/parrot/build_dir_trunk/build (timeout
> 1200 secs)
> watching logfiles {}
> argv: ['grep', "'ok, 0 failed,'", './smoke.html']
> environment: {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SSH_ASKPASS': '/usr/libexec/
> openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass', 'TERM': 'xterm-color', 'SHELL': '/bin/
> bash', 'SHLVL': '1', 'HOSTNAME': 'galadriel', 'G_BROKEN_FILENAMES':
> '1', 'LESSOPEN': '|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s', 'LS_COLORS':

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