[Buildbot-devel] multiple build masters?

Shaun McDonald shaun at shaunmcdonald.me.uk
Fri Jan 11 08:03:25 UTC 2008

On 11 Jan 2008, at 02:27, john gale wrote:

> I seem to have spiked this list with my own traffic the last few
> days...  hopefully everyone finds my questions good for the  
> archives :)
> I have a scenario where, for portability of build/slave masters, I was
> thinking of using one master for build/test of a branch.  This means
> that when you create a new branch, you could easily copy the previous
> build/test master config file and change it slightly depending on the
> svn repo.
> Unfortunately, I just realized that this means a separate webpage per
> master.  And it probably wouldn't be easy to share status information
> between masters to show up on one page?  The other options were to log
> status to a DB and then create a custom build page, but that's
> starting to sound like a lot of extra work for little benefit.
> It seems like the ideal buildbot scenario is to have one master for
> everything, and just create different build factories per branch.

Hrm. With the OpenOffice.org buildbot, we have one bot for all  
branches. We never build CVS head, we always either build a CVS branch  
(internally known as a Child Work Space/CWS) or a CVS tag of a  
milestone (internally known as a Master Work Space/MWS). The new 0.7.6  
buildbot waterfall page now has support for looking at only builds for  
one branch, which gets around the problem. We also send our results to  
a tinderbox for a different view of the data.


> thanks for your ideas,
> 	~ john
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