[Buildbot-devel] "master hostname" property for a buildStep?

Axel Hecht l10n.moz at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 10 23:05:56 UTC 2008

http://docs.python.org/lib/module-socket.html#l2h-3643 seems like it
could have python apis for that. Of course there's a whole lot that
could go wrong on the way, I guess, in terms of firewalls and NATs and
all that stuff.


2008/1/10, john gale <john at smadness.com>:
> Is there a "master hostname" property for a buildStep?
> For instance, we want to publish on the buildbot master's main webpage
> (:80) the latest installer tarball.  We succeed in creating the
> tarball, using FileUpload to transfer it, and even stick it in the
> right location.  We then want to create a record for this "latest
> installer tarball" which will be an HTTP path to the master.  This
> will be checked in to another svn repo which then other testslaves and
> other automated processes can check out.
> The trouble is finding the master hostname automatically.  It doesn't
> look like it's a default property that we can stick into the buildstep.
> f_build1.addStep(TarBuildResults())
> f_build1.addStep(UploadBuildResults, slavesrc="buildresults.tar.gz",
> masterdest=None, mode=0775)
> f_build1.addStep(CheckoutBuildArchive())
> f_build1.addStep(UpdateTOTPath())
> f_build1.addStep(CommitBuildArchive())
> class UpdateTOTPath(ShellCommand):
>      def start(self):
>          bname = self.getProperty("buildername")
>          bnumber = self.getProperty("buildnumber")
>          brevision = self.getProperty("got_revision")
>          self.setCommand(["./echo.pl", "archive/%s.txt" % (bname),
> "http://<sample.com>/builds/build-%s-r%s-b%s.tgz" % (bname, brevision,
> bnumber)])
>          ShellCommand.start(self)
> I'd like it to be automatic because the master could be replicated on
> other hosts for other projects, so <sample.com> could change easily.
> Failing a builbot property, is there a python call into the buildbot
> object we could make?  I'm searching now, but it's taking a bit...
> thanks,
>         ~ john
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