[Buildbot-devel] New, more efficient web stuff

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Fri Jan 4 17:21:56 UTC 2008

On Jan 4, 2008 12:04 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at divmod.com> wrote:
> What makes SQLite-only a non-starter (I don't see how this relates to
> Twisted version, either)?

My installation of buildbot, at least, has >2.3G of data, and in my
experience SQLite doesn't do well over ~1G.

> If that's really the case, then you can look at Storm, which has a lot
> in common with Axiom, but supports PostgreSQL and MySQL and various other
> things (as well as SQLite).

You still didn't answer the question, though -- why should I use
something new and untested, when all existing buildbot users already
have something that works?

> Indeed. :)  I think making it possible isn't very much work.  You just need
> to insinuate guard into the resource hierarchy and then make the resource
> that you have the avatar for the anonymous user.  As developers have
> interest and time, they can create non-anonymous avatars with functionality
> that should be restrict and use various flags to disable functionality for
> the anonymous user.

I've never understood guards, since they're not in the twisted
tutorial.  Do you have a link that can explain how to use it?


Storage Software Engineer

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