[Buildbot-devel] lost remote - slave cannot keep connection with master

Aaron Maxwell amax at snaplogic.org
Tue Feb 26 22:12:36 UTC 2008

Okay, figured it out.

There was indeed a duplicate slave.  But it wasn't created in the master.cfg - 
it was a separate process.  Somehow on Sunday, when I bounced the node - 
meaning, running "buildbot stop ~" followed by "buildbot start ~" - the old 
process failed to stop, and remained alive, continually trying to connect to 
the master.

A simple "ps aux |grep buildbot" on the slave identified the offending 
processes.  I killed them manually and restarted all buildbot nodes; problem 

Dustin and Aaron, thanks for pointing me in this direction.


On Monday 25 February 2008 17:02:19 Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> On Monday 25 February 2008 10:51:12 Aaron Maxwell wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm suddenly having a problem today with my buildbot installation.  We
> > have
> Some more info: the log excerpt above is in the slave's twistd.log.  Here
> is the corresponding set of log messages in the master's:
Aaron Maxwell .:. amax at snaplogic.org .:. http://snaplogic.org
SnapLogic, Inc. - Data Integration for the Last Mile

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