[Buildbot-devel] limiting waterfall status?

Matisse Enzer matisse at matisse.net
Sat Feb 23 20:10:04 UTC 2008

On Feb 19, 2008, at 4:33 PM, john gale wrote:

> Is there a way to limit the waterfall status?
> My main waterfall webpage is getting to be extremely large, and takes
> a really long time to load.

I have the same issue (at http://buildbot.eigenstate.net:8040/) and  
what i have done is install a cron job that removes log file solder  
than N days. Note that i am using CVS so that is why you see "CVS" in  
the pattern I use to exclude paths from being deleted.


MASTERS="dbix-wrapper-verysimple  \
	 parrot                   \
	 perl-metrics-simple      \
	 text-tagtemplate         \


for dir in $MASTERS ; do
     cd "$master_dir" && \
          find . -mindepth 2 -type f \
                 ! -path "*CVS/*" \
                 -mtime +${DAYS_BACK} \
                 -exec rm {} \;
     cd "$master_dir" && find twistd.log* -mtime +${DAYS_BACK} \
                 -exec rm {} \;


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