[Buildbot-devel] Reconfiguring buildbot via SVN checkins?

John Earl jearl at airsource.co.uk
Wed Feb 6 06:58:23 UTC 2008

> I should have been more explicit - I already keep the files in SVN,
> and reconfigure manually, but I am interested if anyone has run across
> any gotchas when the signal to reconfigure is being triggered by a SVN
> commit.
> I'm sure I am overlooking some other details, such as how to easily
> get the twistd.log files into the build status for whatever
> builder/scheduler pair is watching that part of the SVN tree

I've got a sheduler that triggers a builder on a slave run a script that 
does ssh back to the master to trigger a repository update and master 
reconfig. Seems to work. I haven't bothered with the log file, if you 
get that to work let me know how you did it!



Dr John Earl - Engineer
Airsource Ltd

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