[Buildbot-devel] buildbot dependent scheduler firing twice for each upstream build

Mark A. Grondona mgrondona at llnl.gov
Mon Dec 8 23:03:32 UTC 2008


We've been using buildbot for automated builds for awhile now, and
I've recently upgraded from 0.7.7 to 0.7.9 in order to hopefully
get support for exclusive/shared (r/w) locks. 

However, once I upgraded the buildbot code -- using the same master.cfg --
I am running into a new problem. The dependent schedulers I use seem
to be firing two builds per one upstream build, instead of one.

The key portion of my master.cfg looks something like:

build = AnyBranchScheduler ("rpms", None, 0,
                            builderNames=['x86_64', 'i386'])

announce = Dependent ("announce", build, ['annnounce'])

What we had working in buildbot-0.7.7 was that a 'build' 
triggered builds on both x86-64 and i386 builders, and if
each of these completed successfully, the announcement
build was triggered.

However, now we see two announce builds triggered for each 'build'.

Have there been any changes in dependent schedulers of which we should
be aware, or any other places in master.cfg to check for errors on our
part? I tried looking in the twistd.log, but there are no clues as to
how the announce builder is being triggered.


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