[Buildbot-devel] Wiki spammed + Trac status

Benoît Allard benoit at aeteurope.nl
Thu Dec 4 15:48:39 UTC 2008

Hi there

Did anyone noticed end of last month the monumental Spam on the wiki ?

(Can be spotted via the Trac Timeline page)

Is there a way to revert all pages to their previous state ?

By the way, the website is quite dead ... That same timeline is only 
mentioning tickets opening, no commit actions, no tickets closing, 
(almost) no wiki edition ...

As 9/16/2008, I have an email announcing the switch of buildbot from XXX 
to Git, the repository page (on trac) has not been updated, same as the 
buildbot page (buildbot running on the buildbot project). Making the 
website looking like a ghost website ...

Is there a buildbot at all running on the Git repository ? I would find 
quite funny (at least) not having one running on its own source ...

That's all about appearance, even a good project (like this one) that 
looks so ... /dormant/ ... does not inspire much confidence ...


PS: I might sound rude, don't take me wrong, I'm entirely aware of the 
quality of the project, I'm just wondering about that (maybe only 
apparent) non-activity. Or is there a reason for that ?
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