[Buildbot-devel] buildbot try functionality

Henry dimensiondude.oss at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 21:14:16 UTC 2008

I'm trying diff, and I having a small but deal breaking problem. p4's  
diff (just doing 'p4 diff') uses absolute paths, which aren't the same  
on a development machine versus a buildslave. relative paths (relative  
from where I am performing the diff) would be the same.

I've tried the --patchlevel  option, but I still get endless:

No file found -- skip this patch? [no]
File to patch:

Should p4 diff give an appropriate diff? Do I need to use any options?
Maybe there is way to use relative paths from the p4 diff end?

On Aug 22, 2008, at 4:34 AM, Benoît Allard wrote:

> Henry wrote:
>> The buildbot try functionality looks very useful, and I've got it   
>> mostly set up, but I can't find any "--vc= " option for Perforce  
>> in  the manual. Is it not possible to run try using Perforce?
> You are right, there is no P4 support for the try command.
> I don't have access to P4, but that shouldn't be too much of a head  
> heck to build a P4Extractor (my guess is about 20 lines of code)  
> based on another one in buildbot/script/tryclient.py
>> What about try --diff?
> Should work, right ?
> http://buildbot.net/repos/release/docs/buildbot.html#try- 
> _002d_002ddiff

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