[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot 1.0: The Shimmering Vision

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue Aug 19 11:05:04 UTC 2008

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Kai Blin <kai.blin at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I've got the "watching" part settled, at least for patches
> git-mailinfo can understand. I'll push a patch to my git tree for review once
> I got around to fake some test emails to replace the real emails I'm
> currently using without asking the respective authors.

Cool, that was fast!  Were you already working on this?

>> b) supports patch series (e.g. patch 2/2 should be tested in the
>> context of patch 1/2 already applied)
> I'm not sure how to handle that on the buildbot side. Any ideas?

You probably have to send the whole patch series to a
single build slave in one go.  The hard part will be getting
intermediate patch/build/test results from each patch in the series.

>> c) supports baseline build caching, i.e. support for
>> prebuilding trees fetched from a slowly changing git/svn/p4
>> as a baseline for building many proposed patches from a
>> busy -patches mailing list
> Won't this break for changes that require e.g. a rerun of ./configure or the
> like?

Have you been reading wine-devel?  :-)
configure changes aren't bad, usually the makefile notices those and
reruns configure for you.  Harder are configure.ac changes.
The right thing to do varies with the project, so probably
anyone setting one of these up will need an initial build step to
do the needed regeneration.

>> d) supports a patch-centric report (in addition to buildbot's
>> existing build-centric reports)
> I think when treating "apply the patch" as part of the build process, those
> reports are pretty much the same.

What I was trying to say is, I want a status page like
that looks kind of like an annotated -patches mailing
list archive rather than some buildbot report.
- Dan

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