[Buildbot-devel] #99 - Change BuildMaster UI so it can "cancel queued jobs"

Neil Hemingway neil.hemingway at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 14 21:36:03 UTC 2008


I've just accepted #99 cos I've got hacked off not being able to cancel
queued jobs.

Now here's the thing.  What _I_ need is simply a way of killing queued jobs,
so I plan to simply add a section to the builder's page which will list
queued jobs for this builder and provide a cancel button similar to the stop
button already provided for a running build.  It will be functional and not
necessarily be pretty.

However, I'm also (separately) writing a patch to enable bb to prioritize
builds and I can forsee us needing to be able to control builds in all sorts
of ways: increase or decrease the priority of a particular build, cancel
queued builds, specify that a build should be allocated to a particular
slave, hold a build, (later) release a held build) and I'm sure there any
many other scenarios.

I do not want to take on that grand plan (at least not yet - one step at a
time).  BUT, where else do we need to be able to see/manage queued builds
other than the builder page (http://localhost:8010/builders/$builder-name)


PS: I'm going on holiday tomorrow, so if you reply and don't hear back from
me for a while, that'll be why!
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