[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot 1.0: The Shimmering Vision

Ben Hearsum bhearsum at mozilla.com
Tue Aug 12 18:10:51 UTC 2008

On 12-Aug-08, at 2:09 PM, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Ben Hearsum <bhearsum at mozilla.com>  
> wrote:
>> This is more of a Python issue than a Buildbot one. One way to work
>> around it is to import/reload, like this:
>> import buildbot.process.factory
>> reload(buildbot.process.factory)
>> from buildbot.process import factory
>> It sucks that it takes up so much space, especially when you import
>> from many modules, but it does the trick. We use this to load all of
>> our custom Buildbot code.
> I've been thinking of hooking import to try to make such reloading
> "automatic" for user-supplied modules.  But that (especially coupled
> with the reload mechanics) becomes a lot of sneaky Python to maintain.
> I've also been thinking of simply not supporting runtime reloads, and
> using a stateless client/server protocol, so that restart is both fast
> and effective.  Thoughts either way?

Stateless client/server protocol would let us restart the master  
without killing slave jobs, right? I totally freaking support that. +++ 

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