[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot 1.0: The Shimmering Vision

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Mon Aug 11 08:39:49 UTC 2008

Mark Roddy wrote:
> I'd like to see tighter integration with popular build/testing tools.
> For instance, if I'm working on a pyunit extension to output the test
> results into HTML format.  I'd like to be able to receive this with
> the email that notifies me of a failed build.  In addition, quite a
> few build/test tools such as ANT have the ability to output their data
> into XML format.  I believe there's already an pyunit extension that
> generates this XML format.

In a larger scope, having (included or 3rd-party) plugins for common 
buildsteps (ant, scons, nant, make, vs-devenv, ...) that analyze their 
output and provide meaningful data would be a good thing.

It might be nothing more than providing more specific build steps, but 
an effort to collect these and tout them as 'supported tools' features 
might be a good marketing strategy.

Couple this with some sexy graphs (ala Bitten) would be awesome. (This 
is were I think a good db-model is necessary.)


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