[Buildbot-devel] test failure with 0.7.8, Python 2.5 and Twisted 2.1.0 on OS X 10.4

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Tue Aug 5 12:36:06 UTC 2008

On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 08:29:16 -0400, Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:
>On Jul 29, 2008, at 10:57 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> I was just updating the Fink package for Buildbot, and I got the
>> following test failure. Any ideas? Should I be concerned?
>>  * buildbot-0.7.8
>>  * python25 installed via Fink
>>  * Twisted 2.1.0 installed via Fink
>>  * with buildbot-0.7.7 still on the Python library path (should this
>> be an issue?)
>I just got a chance to re-run the test without a previous Buildbot
>version installed (just to be safe), and both 0.7.7 and 0.7.8 have
>the same test failure.
>Since it doesn't seem to be a regression in Buildbot itself, I'm
>going to push 0.7.8 into Fink.
>I would still be interested to know if anyone understands this test
>failure, or if they know that upgrading e.g. Twisted to a given
>version will fix this.
>> $ PYTHONPATH=. trial buildbot.test
>> [...]
>> [ERROR]: buildbot.test.test_slaves.Slave2.testFirstComeFirstServed
>> [snip]
>>   File "/sw/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/spread/jelly.py", line
>> 512, in jelly
>>     (objType, obj))
>> <class 'twisted.spread.jelly.InsecureJelly'>: Type not allowed for
>> object: <type 'type'> <class 'buildbot.slave.bot.FailPingError'>

This is due to an incompatible change made in Python 2.5.  The test
(and so the behavior) should work with Python 2.4 or with a newer
version of Twisted (2.5 or newer, I think, but 8.1 would be safest)
which accounts for the change.

There were half a dozen or so other incompatibilities in Python 2.5.
It'd probably be best to get a newer version of Twisted or an older
version of Python into Fink.


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