[Buildbot-devel] Set properties from output of shell commands

Greg Ward gerg.ward+buildbot at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 21:20:18 UTC 2008

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin at zmanda.com> wrote:
> I've proposed a patch to add a SetProperty step, at
>  http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/232.  Please comment the ticket if
>  this is useful to you, or if it's missing functionality that would be
>  useful to you.

Neat feature.  Don't think I need it myself, but I can certainly see
how it would be useful.

It's unclear to me precisely how stderr is handled.  I think this is
mainly a shortcoming of the docs.  (I glanced at the code and could
tell that it does something with stderr, I'm just not sure what.)
E.g. if a child process does

  write(1, "this is some stdout\n")
  write(2, "and here is some stderr")
  write(1, "more stdout ...")
  write(2, "interrupted by stderr\n")
  write(1, "last bit of stdout\n")

then what precisely is captured by SetProperty?  And how much control
do I have over that?

(Hint: don't answer this question -- update the doc patch to make the
question obsolete.)


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