[Buildbot-devel] Network access problems on OS X 10.5 buildslave

Stephen Davis buildbot at soundgeek.org
Tue Apr 1 05:16:26 UTC 2008

On Mar 31, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:

> I ran into this problem independently, and found the root cause,
> documented here:
>  http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/KernelProgramming/contexts/chapter_9_section_1.html
> One alternative solution is to run the buildslave under
> StartupItemContext; we have a script containing
>   /usr/libexec/StartupItemContext /usr/bin/su - buildslave
> /home/buildslave/buildslave/bin/start-buildslave $port
> whre start-buildslave is the script that actually starts the slave
> (and does a bunch of other stuff -- that's why the launchd script
> won't work for us).
> Apple definitely heeds its "think different" credo, but at least the
> thinking is usually well-documented. :)
> HTH,
> Dustin

StartupItems are deprecated (and discouraged).  Please switch over to  
launchd if you can.  launchd can launch any script with arbitrary  
arguments as any user so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for you.


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