[Buildbot-devel] New issues with dependent schedulers not being run

Kenneth Lareau Ken.Lareau at nominum.com
Sat Oct 27 20:54:02 UTC 2007

As a follow-up to my earlier email, it seems that my benchmarking
schedulers no longer will run.  Some of the changes I have put in
to ensure that they're only dependent off of the mainline branches
of our products seem to be the culprit, but I can't tell for sure.
Here's the output from a manhole process:

 >>> import pprint
 >>> pprint.pprint([vars(a) for a in master.allSchedulers() if 
repr(a).find('benchmark') != -1])
[{'builderNames': ['benchmark ans-dist benchmarking-0'],
   'name': 'benchmark-ans-dist-rhel-4-x86-64-0',
   'namedServices': {},
   'parent': <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0xb721910c>,
   'running': 1,
   'services': [],
   'successWatchers': [],
   'upstream': <Scheduler 'nightly-ans-dist-head-rhel-4-x86-64-0' at 
  {'builderNames': ['benchmark cns-dist benchmarking-0'],
   'name': 'benchmark-cns-dist-rhel-4-x86-64-0',
   'namedServices': {},
   'parent': <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0xb721910c>,
   'running': 1,
   'services': [],
   'successWatchers': [],
   'upstream': <Scheduler 'nightly-cns-dist-head-rhel-4-x86-64-0' at 
  {'builderNames': ['benchmark navitas-dist benchmarking-0'],
   'name': 'benchmark-navitas-dist-rhel-4-x86-64-0',
   'namedServices': {},
   'parent': <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0xb721910c>,
   'running': 1,
   'services': [],
   'successWatchers': [],
   'upstream': <Scheduler 'nightly-navitas-dist-head-rhel-4-x86-64-0' at 
  {'builderNames': ['benchmark vantio-dist benchmarking-0'],
   'name': 'benchmark-vantio-dist-rhel-4-i386-0',
   'namedServices': {},
   'parent': <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0xb721910c>,
   'running': 1,
   'services': [],
   'successWatchers': [],
   'upstream': <Scheduler 'nightly-vantio-dist-head-rhel-4-i386-0' at 

Let's pick the first upstream scheduler in the list:

 >>> pprint.pprint([vars(a) for a in master.allSchedulers() if 
repr(a).find('nightly-ans-dist-head-rhel-4-x86-64-0') != -1])
[{'branch': None,
   'builderNames': ['ans-dist head rhel-4-x86-64-0'],
   'dayOfMonth': '*',
   'dayOfWeek': '*',
   'delayedRun': <twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall instance at 0xb4d64b2c>,
   'hour': [0],
   'minute': 43,
   'month': '*',
   'name': 'nightly-ans-dist-head-rhel-4-x86-64-0',
   'namedServices': {},
   'nextRunTime': 1193557380.0,
   'parent': <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0xb721910c>,
   'running': 1,
   'services': [],
   'successWatchers': []}]

Looking at an earlier email where I had a similar problem, I noticed
that this time around, 'successWatchers' is empty where it should
have a '<bound method Dependent.upstreamBuilt of <Scheduler 'benchmark-
rhel-4-x86-64-0' at -XXXXXXXXXXXX>>'.  When I print out the information
getting passed to the Dependent class for initialization, all the in-
formation seems to be correct and there, so why am I not seeing a
successWatchers entry?  Any suggestions on how to debug this further?

Thanks for any assistance that folks can give...

Ken Lareau

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