[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot config file tester

Geoff Wedig gwedig at d2.com
Mon May 14 15:46:55 UTC 2007

Brian Warner wrote:
> Ben Hearsum <bhearsum at wittydomain.com> writes:
>> This is a little script I wrote to test a master.cfg file without running
>> Buildbot. It accepts an optional parameter of the configuration file,
>> defaulting to 'master.cfg'. It returns 2 if the file does not exist, 1 if
>> the configuration file is bad, and 0 otherwise.
> Oh, hey, could you add this to the wiki?
I got on this list a few days too late.  I didn't get the original, and 
I can't figure out how to get it from the archive.  As far as I can 
tell, it's actually running the script when I try to download it, since 
all I get is a file with the phrase "Insufficient Parameters" in it.  
This seems to happen with both IE and Firefox.  I'd love to get it, so a 
repost, or putting it on the wiki would be great.

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