[Buildbot-devel] Alternate shell on win32

Christopher Kermorvant kermorvant at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 11:58:57 UTC 2007


I had this kind of problem.

It seems to me that you must define the command line with each
argument as an element in a python list :
f.addStep(ShellCommand, command=["command.exe","arg1","arg2"])

You can check that on your cfg file.


> Now it seems there is some major pitfall with the installation,
> because I can not even run a simple ShellCommand like ["echo Helllo
> buildbot world"]...
> My setup is with:
> Pyhton 2.4.4 from python.org
> Twisted 2.4
> pywin32 build210
> and a builder with single shellcommand step fails without reporting
> the traceback (which is perfectly visible on the slave):
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c echo Hello buildbot world
>  in dir C:\buildslave\longo\build (timeout 1200 secs)
>  watching logfiles {}
>  argv: ['C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe', '/c', 'echo Hello buildbot world']
>  environment: {'TMP': 'C:\\DOCUME~1\\builder\\LOCALS~1\\Temp',
> 'C:\\Program Files\\Common Files', 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER': 'x86 Family
> 6 Model 15 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel', 'PROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program
> Files', 'PROCESSOR_REVISION': '0f06', 'QTDIR': 'C:\\Qt\\3.3.7',
> 'PATH': 'C:\\Python24\\scripts;C:\\Python24\\scripts;C:\\Python24\\scripts;C:\\Python24\\scripts;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Program
> Files\\Intel\\DMIX;C:\\Program Files\\HPQ\\IAM\\bin;C:\\Program
> Files\\Common Files\\MDL
> Shared\\ISIS;C:\\Qt\\3.3.7\\bin;C:\\MinGW\\bin', 'TEMP':
> 'x86', 'QMAKESPEC': 'win32-g++', 'ALLUSERSPROFILE': 'C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\All Users', 'SESSIONNAME': 'RDP-Tcp#1', 'HOMEPATH':
> '\\Documents and Settings\\builder', 'USERNAME': 'builder',
> 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe', 'SYSTEMROOT': 'C:\\WINDOWS',
> 'CLIENTNAME': 'molzilla', 'FP_NO_HOST_CHECK': 'NO', 'WINDIR':
> 'C:\\WINDOWS', 'HOMEDRIVE': 'C:', 'APPDATA': 'C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\builder\\Application Data', 'SYSTEMDRIVE': 'C:',
> 'Windows_NT', 'USERPROFILE': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\builder'}
> remoteFailed: [Failure instance: Traceback from remote host --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> Failure: buildbot.slave.commands.AbandonChain: -1
> any ideas?
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