[Buildbot-devel] make reconfig failing

Aaron Dulles-Coelho dulles at artifex.org
Tue Mar 13 14:17:05 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

For a given build factory F I construct it as follows:

> F = factory.BuildFactory()
> F.addStep(
>  ...
>  command = my_custom_command

A given builder B is associated with that factory.

If I change the value of my_custom_command and do a "make reconfig" or
"buildbot sighup", however, my log shows

> 2007/03/13 10:14 EDT [-] builder B is unchanged

subsequent builds do not use the new value of my_custom_command.

How can I force the buildmaster to recognize this change without
completely restarting the daemon and killing other builds that are
going on?


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