[Buildbot-devel] Hung slaves

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Thu Mar 8 14:06:33 UTC 2007

Recently I've noticed that when using the "Ping Builder" button on the slave
info page causes that builder to become unavailable afterwards.  This isn't
reflected anywhere in the waterfall view (the column remains green, etc) but
subsequent builds just get queued up, not executed.

The log files don't contain anything that gives me any clues as to why this
might happen:

  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <GET /buildbot/debian-py2.4-select/ping? HTTP/1.1>
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <GET /buildbot/ HTTP/1.1>
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] ping finished: success
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <GET /buildbot/ HTTP/1.1>
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <GET /buildbot/buildbot.css HTTP/1.1>
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <GET /buildbot/debian-py2.4-select HTTP/1.1>
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] web forcebuild of builder 'debian-py2.4-select', branch='', revision=''
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] maybeStartBuild <Builder 'debian-py2.4-select' at -1220597108>: [<buildbot.process.base.BuildRequest instance at 0x9ee52ac>]
  2007/03/08 08:01 CST [Broker,0,] <Builder 'debian-py2.4-select' at -1220597108>: want to start build, but we don't have a remote


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