[Buildbot-devel] ShellCommand question

Duncan Ferguson duncan.ferguson at altinity.com
Wed Jun 20 13:03:04 UTC 2007

Thanks for the reply.

Just to try and keep everything central I put the script onto the  
master and transfer it down to the slave on every build, and it seems  
to be working a treat


On 20 Jun 2007, at 12:53, Cavanagh, Sean (Sean) wrote:

> Duncan,
> You might write a one-liner shell script to do your copy, and then  
> call that from buildbot.  This has the advantage of making the  
> upload step available to someone who isn’t using buildbot.
> Or you could write a custom ShellCommand subclass that uses python  
> os libraries to get an explicit list of the files in question.
> There’s probably a simpler way to do globbing but I tend to go for  
> option A.
> Regards,
> Sean C.
> From: buildbot-devel-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:buildbot- 
> devel-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Duncan Ferguson
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 6:58 AM
> To: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Buildbot-devel] ShellCommand question
> Hiya list,
> I have a step that attempts to send a number of files to a remove  
> server using scp, such as
> factoryd.addStep(
>         shell.ShellCommand,
>         command=["scp","-q","built_files.*.tar.gz","server3:/ 
> build_files/"],
> )
> but the "build_files.*.tar.gz" is not expanded through a shell  
> glob.  What is the best way to achieve this?  I dont want to have  
> to split this out into a number of steps as that involves multiple  
> factories and multiple steps within those factories....
> Thanks
>   Duncs

Duncan Ferguson

Opsview - Making Nagios Easier

Tel: +44 (0)870 787 9243
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MSN: duncan.ferguson at altinity.com

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