[Buildbot-devel] web refactoring (#58, #59)

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Wed Jul 25 16:37:04 UTC 2007

I just submitted patches in tickets #58 and #59 to refactor web access
so that multiple web status plugins can be used in the same buildmaster.
For example, you could write

from buildbot.status import html
c['status'] = []

to create separate waterfalls for two different categories of builders
(which might help the "my monitor's not wide enough" problem).

I would *love* feedback on these patches.  I consider them preliminary,
as they are not documented.  I'm not sure how one goes about
unit-testing web services.

At the moment, I'm off to write a new web plugin that lists:

             r7255       r7256      r7260      r7260+patch
builder1  |  status  |  status  |  status  |    status     |
builder2  |  status  |  status  |  status  |    status     |
builder3  |  status  |  status  |  status  |    status     |
builder4  |  status  |  status  |  status  |    status     |

displaying only the overall status of each build, with builds sorted by
sourcestamp, and only the most recent N sourcestamps displayed.  For my
purposes (monitoring a set of builders for a failure at a specific
revision), this is a more useful display than the waterfall.


        Dustin J. Mitchell
        Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.

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