[Buildbot-devel] Apache aliases and getURLForThing

Grig Gheorghiu grig at agilistas.org
Fri Jan 19 22:28:09 UTC 2007

I have this scenario in the Pybots buildbot farm: there are 2 Python
branches that are being built, 'trunk' and '2.5'. The builder names
are 'slavename' + 'branch name' -- for example 'x86 Ubuntu Breezy
trunk'. The Waterfall setup is the following:

portBase = 9060
for i, categories in enumerate([None, 'trunk', '2.5']):
    http_port = 'tcp:%d:interface=' % (portBase + i)
    kwds = {}
    if categories:
        kwds['categories'] = categories
   status.append(html.Waterfall(http_port=http_port, allowForce=allowForce,
                                css=buildbot_css, **kwds))

The buildbotURL is:

c['buildbotURL'] = "http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/community/"

There are also Apache aliases setup so that
http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/community/trunk/ shows the builders
for the trunk and similarly for 2.5.

The problem is that getURLForThing returns URLs of the form:


which are invalid, because they don't contain the branch name (trunk)
after buildbotURL. The correct URL in the case above would be:


I hacked the mail notification module and added the branch names after
buildbotURL so that the links included in the notification emails are
correct. But it's an ugly hack. And now I need to hack the modules
that handle build details too.

My question is if there's any way to inform getURLForThing about
branch names, maybe via categories, so I don't have to resort to these


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