[Buildbot-devel] feature request

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Wed Apr 11 12:34:47 UTC 2007

Hi Brian,

in your roadmap you indicate that for the next release you plan to
include some form of load balancing. As you know, I'm quite interested
into this feature. Right now I have a use case in mind that I think
may be covered by that, but I'd like to confirm (or may be this is
already possible right now ?):

Let's assume build slave availability is relatively low, but there are
multiple slaves with the same (or equivalent) configuration. The build
master would pick the first suitable slave that gets available to hand
it a build, instead of waiting for a specific slave to turn online.

This would be particularly interesting in contexts where build slaves
(and associated resources) are donated by volunteers, but are not
available 24/7.

Here, as in load balancing, the important new trait is a loosened
relationship between schedulers and build slaves.

Does this make sense ?



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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