[Buildbot-devel] Automatically Creating builddir?

Roy S. Rapoport buildbot-devel at ols.inorganic.org
Sat Sep 16 16:55:53 UTC 2006

As I've been adding builders on my master, I'm finding that their initial
attempt to build fails because builddir on the slave does not exist -- I
have to manually mkdir it on each slave in order for builds to succeed.  

Given the master should be able to arbitrarily tell the slave what to do,
I'm not sure I understand the motivation in having to have the slave
manually create the builddirs for the master to succeed building on it -- a
way for the slave admin to know what the slave is being used for?

Is there a way to change this behavior so the slave auto-creates the
builddir if it needs it? If not, would it be a bad idea for me to tweak my
buildbot code to do that?


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