[Buildbot-devel] Showing subsets of builders in Waterfall status page

Grig Gheorghiu grig at agilistas.org
Mon Oct 23 18:26:33 UTC 2006

I think this has been discussed before, but I could only find one reference
on this mailing list. I have a request from the Pybots users to be able to
show only a subset of the builders via a special URL. I found a message with
this solution from Christian Unger:


      html.Waterfall(http_port="tcp:9001:interface=", css="/
categories=["Project1"], css="/BuildBotController/buildbot.css"),
categories=["Project2"], css="/BuildBotController/buildbot.css"),

and in apache you do the proxy thing:

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyReceiveBufferSize 2048

ProxyPass /buildbot/ http://localhost:9001/
ProxyPassReverse /buildbot/ http://localhost:9001/

ProxyPass /bbprivate/ http://localhost:9002/
ProxyPassReverse /bbprivate/ http://localhost:9002/

ProxyPass /bbsecret/ http://localhost:9003/
ProxyPassReverse /bbbsecret/ http://localhost:9003/

Is this the only way? I don't have access to the Apache config file on the
host running the buildmaster process, so I'd like a different approach, if


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