[Buildbot-devel] Build Commenting Patch

Ben Hearsum ben.hearsum at senecac.on.ca
Thu Oct 12 05:52:59 UTC 2006

This is my initial patch for the Build Commenting
feature request

A StatusResourceComments has been added to deal with
adding comments. Existing comments are displayed on the
Build page (builder/build/NN). If a build has comments
and the 'starPath' parameter to Waterfall has been
specified that icon will show up beside 'Build NN' on
the Waterfall page. A default icon has been included.

There are a couple of things in this patch that are
questionable in my mind but I could see no other way of
doing it.
1) I've added a new Waterfall parameters, 'starPath'. I
donn't really want to have the starPath configurable. I
don't have any clue how to include this as part of the
install process though, or how to actually use it since
the full path would not be known.
2) StatusResourceComments.addComment() calls
saveYourself() for the paticular build it's working on.
When I first attempted this I got tracebacks because
things were being deleted in the __getstate__ methods
of some I*Status objects. I've put try/catch statements
around all of these to get around that problem. I don't
know if this is the best way to do it.

Attached is the patch itself and orangestar.png, the
icon I intend to be the default.

- Ben
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