[Buildbot-devel] CVS Limitations and other setup issues

Scott Lamb slamb at slamb.org
Fri Nov 17 00:12:03 UTC 2006

On Nov 16, 2006, at 10:33 AM, Bailey, Darragh wrote:
>> The generic solution to this (at a Posix system) is to prefix the
> shell
>> command with an assignment of the environment variable you want to
> change,
>> ie
>> CVS_RSH=ssh cvs export etc/etc
>> sets the environment var CVS_RSH to ssh, and then executes the cvs
> command
>> (sorry for the bad cvs example, I haven't used it for a over a year,
> so my
>> cvs
>> syntax is a bit rusty).

That's a /bin/sh thing. If you pass a list of parameters to  
RemoteShellCommand, it will launch the command directly (that is,  
without going through the shell), so this doesn't work.

> Well aware of that method, but I had noticed that with some of the  
> shell
> commands that they contained an env property that by modifying it you
> could alter the environment settings that the commands run used.

Yeah, it will pass a new environment to execve(), which is simpler  
and always works.

> Suspect
> that there is no way to do the same via the CVS class without
> modifications.

Hmm, looks like you're right. Though you could set environmental  
variables when starting the buildslave, if they're always the same.

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>

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