[Buildbot-devel] Re: Dynamically updating text displayed in build step status

Grig Gheorghiu grig at gheorghiu.net
Thu Mar 30 22:26:12 UTC 2006

One more question:

Here's a fragment of code from my master.cfg file:

c['builders'] = []
for client_bot in client_bots:
        client_name = client_bot[0]
        client_type = client_types[client_name]
        client_uninstall_step = s(ClientUninstall, command="python
client_uninstall.py", timeout=3600)
        client_install_step = s(ClientInstall, command="python
client_install.py", timeout=3600)
        client_smoke_test_step = s(ClientSmokeTests, command="python
run_smoke_tests.py", timeout=3600)
        client_test_factory = factory.BuildFactory([
        builder = {
                'name': client_type,
                'slavename': client_name,
                'builddir': client_type.lower(),
                'factory': client_test_factory,

All the different classes specified in the step object definition
(ClientInstall, ClientUninstall, etc.) are derived from ShellCommand.

The ClientInstall class is the one I described in my original message
(see below).

Although I instantiate new step objects and factory objects for each of
the builders, my suspicion is that a single step instance is shared
among all the builders. I say this because if I leave this code in

    def getText(self, cmd, results):
        text = self.describe(True)
        if results == WARNINGS:
            text += ["warnings"]
        if results == FAILURE:
            text += ["failed"]
        if self.version:
            text += ["version=" + self.version]
        return text

then the text "version=x.y.z" gets printed multiple times in each of
the ClientInstall status boxes, once for each of the builders. I end up
with something like this in every box:

client install

Is there a way I can make sure that each builder has its own instance
of the ClientInstall class, so that they don't trample on each other?

Again, I might be missing something here in terms of my understanding
of how everything works together, so I'd appreciate if anybody could
shed some light.


--- Grig Gheorghiu <grig at gheorghiu.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to find ways to dynamically update the text that is
> displayed in the build step status in the HTML Waterfall page.
> For static customization of the text, I just subclassed from
> ShellCommand and I set 'descriptionDone' to my custom text.
> However, I also wanted to be able to display a piece of information
> (such as a version number) that was computed by the slave running
> that
> build step. I looked through the mailing list, but I couldn't find
> something that covered my exact situation, so I came up with the
> following:
> Assume there's a build step where the slave installs some package and
> identifies its version number. I want to be able to display that
> version number in the status for that build step.
> I defined the following subclass of ShellCommand:
> class ClientInstall(ShellCommand):
>     name = "client install"
>     description = ["running %s" % name]
>     descriptionDone = [name]
>     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>         ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>         self.version = None
>     def createSummary(self, log):
>         log_text = log.getText()
>         s = re.search("--version=(.*)", log_text)
>         if s:
>            self.version = s.group(1)
>     def getText(self, cmd, results):
>         text = self.describe(True)
>         for elem in text:
>             if re.search("version", elem):
>                 return text
>         if results == WARNINGS:
>             text += ["warnings"]
>         if results == FAILURE:
>             text += ["failed"]
>         if self.version:
>             text += ["version=" + self.version]
>         return text
> I'm retrieving the version number via a regular expression match from
> the slave's log file. Then I'm appending this version to the list
> returned by getText.
> Note that I had to add this condition inside getText:
>         for elem in text:
>             if re.search("version", elem):
>                 return text
> otherwise the my custom addition would appear several times in the
> status text (which means that getText got called repeatedly).
> I'm using my custom ClientInstall class as one of the steps defined
> in
> master.cfg.
> Question: am I on the right track here, or am I needlessly
> complicating
> my life?
> Thanks,
> Grig Gheorghiu

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