[Buildbot-devel] scheduler questions

Scott Lamb slamb at slamb.org
Fri Mar 17 21:45:21 UTC 2006

On Mar 10, 2006, at 6:59 PM, Brian Warner wrote:
> We have slave-wide Locks, which can keep the number of processes  
> down to one
> per slave. With a little bit of work, these could probably be  
> enhanced to
> behave more like multiple-holder semaphores, so you could have two  
> or three
> Steps or Builds running at the same time on any given slave.

It looks like there's also a limit of only one build running per  
(Builder * buildslave process) at a time. In my experiments this  
morning with no locks, it seemed I could get a Builder to work  
multiple buildslaves at once, a buildslave to do work for multiple  
Builders at once, but not more than one build on the same  
combination. It would just queue it.

Seems like the semaphore would be more useful if you could get this  
restriction to go away. I.e., I could say "this buildslave can do 4  
builds at once". If I'm only doing one type of build, that'd let me  
keep it busy with many branches without requiring me to make a  
Builder for each one.

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>

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