[Buildbot-devel] copying information between steps or schedulers

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Thu Mar 2 14:08:11 UTC 2006


I am busy convincing buildbot to build, install, and test our code and have a 
few challenges.....

The basic sequence is
1. From the SVN repository, build a number of tar.gz-files
2. Install these tar.gz files at 3 different slaves
3. Test the installed version

And the challenges I currently see:

ad 1: 'svn update' is easy, but the repository revision is used as suffix in 
the name of the .tar.gz files in the following builds. I dont' see a way to 
forward such information between build-steps currently.

ad 2: The best approach seems to have 1. as a seperate schedule, and have 3 
downstream schedulers for 2., one for each slave.
The names of the tar.gz files (or the repository revision alone would be 
sufficient) need to be transported between the upstream scheduler and the 
downstream schedulers/slaves. No idea how to do that.
In addition, the files themselves also need to be copied. The obvious central 
point seems to be the buildmaster, but the latter provides no support for file 

In the mailinglist, there is a discussion about these items about 3 months ago 
at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9060176&forum_id=32301

What are the current insights about these topics, is any of this implemented 
already or is the discussion still going on?


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