[Buildbot-devel] Stack trace when using PBListener and Dependent scheduler

Julien Gilli julien.gilli at wengo.fr
Tue Jan 10 19:11:54 UTC 2006


Brian Warner a écrit :

>>>I discovered a worse bug in Schedulers a few days ago.
>>Is this stack trace related to the bug you mention above? :
>>          File "/home/buildmaster//lib/python/buildbot/scheduler.py", line 173, in fireTimer
>>            self.submit(bs)
>>          File "/home/buildmaster//lib/python/buildbot/scheduler.py", line 54, in submit
>>            self.parent.submitBuildSet(bs)
>>        exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'submitBuildSet'
>Yes, that's exactly it. This will occur any time you reload the config file
>and have *not* changed the Scheduler (i.e., most of the time). The fix for
>this is in CVS now, and will be present in the next release.
I have updated to the CVS HEAD version, and it works like a charm. Thank 
you very much again for your efforts, buildbot is great.

All the best,

Julien Gilli
OpenWengo, the free and multiplatform VoIP client

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