[Buildbot-devel] Managing many buildbots

Alexander Lorenz lorenz at testingtech.de
Tue Aug 29 12:20:57 UTC 2006

Einar Karttunen wrote:
> On 29.08 10:20, Alexander Lorenz wrote:
>> but if you want to build/test on five different environments, there is 
>> no clean way at the moment. :s
> yes, five different OS+architecture combinations.
>> i can understand you well, because i am in a similar situation and there 
>> are also others here who have proposed ideas.
>> up to now you can only avoid a 100 column waterfall by using some "dirty 
>> tricks" .
>> see the "aggregate waterfall view?" thread in this mailing group 
>> concerning both issues.
> I created a mess of shell scripts and in the end I have scripts
> that:
> 1) create buildslave user + and setup the environment
> 2) create missing buildslaves on a build-host
> 3) create missing buildmasters on the master host
> This has made things much simpler.
> The buildmasters share one global configuration file and their
> own configuration is ~5 lines of including and 
> customizing the global config.
> - Einar Karttunen

ahh, that sound's very interesting!

if you wouldn't mind sharing these scripts, i would very much like to 
have a look at them ...



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